So many things to do in Sarasota . . . and so many opportunities to get involved in our communities. Find ways to:
*Shop local
*Stay informed
*Give back
*Raise funds for others
*Make a unique contribution
We can't wait to hear how you become part of our community and the Sarasota lifestyle.
From medium cities to small towns, Sarasota and Manatee Counties have it all. The boundary between the two counties runs east and west along University Parkway, though beyond the eastern end of University Parkway, the boundary drops takes a turn due south through Myakka State Park. Listed in order from north to south (and at times from west to east), here is a breakdown of the communities in our area. Which one best represents your Sarasota lifestyle?
Like the idea of buying locally sourced foods? Nothing better than getting it straight off the farm - either at one of our numerous farmers markets in the area or at the farm itself. Each of the items listed below is an active link to more information about each farm or market.